Professional Sales Messages Get A Call Back

Certain rules of thumb exist in sales if you want to live a life of integrity and be perceived as a respectful person especially when it comes to the phone and your messages. When you make a commitment to respond to people who leave a message for you, whether by phone, email or text, within 24 hours of their correspondence you will always be viewed as a professional.

How To Leave A Good Message

But, not everyone lives by that rule, although they should. Many people pick and choose who they want to respond to, and when. They may be ignorant of the effect they’re having, or just not care. Although you’re powerless to change someone else’s paradigm, there are a few things you can do to increase the likelihood that you’ll be one of the people they do call back. Here are four:

  1. When leaving a message, don’t “dump your candy in the lobby.” That means, don’t give the entire substance of your message away prematurely. Your job in leaving the message is for them to call back so you can say what you need to say. You can say it better when you’re actually in communication than in a recorded announcement. So, think of the message as a “teaser.” Keep it short and to the point.
  2. Arouse curiosity. One of the most potent motivators of human behavior is curiosity. Have you ever tried to stop reading an engrossing mystery in the middle? You can’t. Why? Because you HAVE to know what’s going to happen. Use that to your advantage. Just say enough to make them wonder. For example, “Hi Jane, Sally here. I just saw something that made me think of you. Give me a call!”
  3. Use time constraints. That means you explain exactly how much of their time you need. And be honest. If it’s a quick question, say so. If it’s a thirty minute phone meeting, say that too…BUT, you’re much better off saying, “Hi Jane, can you give me a call so we can schedule a time for a phone meeting.” That way, she won’t think she’s getting roped into a long conversation by calling you back.
  4. Offer options. If you say, “You can reach me back between 11 and 1 or between 3 and 5,” you’re sub-communicating that you have a life and a schedule, which implies you respect that she does as well. People are much more likely to call you back if they perceive you as savvy.

Be A Sales Professional

Above all, when you do speak with people be a professional.  Professional sales reps are respectful, brief, and always add value. If you get the reputation of being someone who drones on without concern for the person you’re calling, your callbacks will quickly dry up. Get to the point, acknowledge their time constraints, and show great appreciation for the gift they’re offering you of their attention.

How To Structure Your Call

Are You CAll-Backable?

In our next article, I’ll give more detail about the structure of a business call which demonstrates respect, intelligence, humor, appreciation, and business savvy. In the meantime, practice the art of becoming call-backable, and watch your callbacks rise!

Word count: 536

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