Author Archives: Brandcasters

Grow up! A dose of tough love…

“Discipline is freedom”   -Ram Dass I recently did what’s known as a “detox,” essentially a modified fast. For the first few days, I suffered because I craved all the lousy foods I’d been allowing myself to eat for months. I was like a petulant child; pouting, whining, throwing tantrums (on the inside)… the whole nine yards. Then, after a few days, something magical happened…A new voice appeared, and here’s what it said…  Grow up! When …
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Is Willpower What it Takes?

“Procrastination is fueled by weakness in the face of impulse and a failure to think about thinking.”  -David McRaney It’s pretty common to think that the reason you’re not taking action is a lack of willpower; what David McRaney calls “weakness in the face of impulse.” But consider this metaphor…. Chip and Dan Heath, in the wonderful book, Switch, talk about how change is like trying to redirect an elephant. Our habituated minds like to …
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Millionaire Day

“The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size.“  -Oliver Wendell Holmes I’ve got a powerful solution to a problem I KNOW you have. Correct me if I’m wrong. You have a full life. You have lots to do; many people to satisfy. And, you also have a vision of your future that’s MUCH brighter!  In your vision, you see fun and freedom…mornings playing a round of golf; …
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Sell like a dog

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. That’s where they should be. Now, put the foundations under them.”    ‐Henry David Thoreau The best salesman I know is my dog, Woody. He’s a two year old Labradoodle, and I think he’s the best dog ever. He’s got a great sense of humor; at least that’s how it seems to me. He’s eternally optimistic, unfailingly persistent, creative in his approach, …
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How Quickly Can You Let Go?

“The size of a man is measured by the size of what makes him angry.”   -Anonymous Every fight you’ve ever had has ended the same way. After expressing your anger and disdain for the other person’s point of view, eventually you let go of the need to be right and actually listened to what the other person had to say. You came off your high horse and admitted your part in the fiasco. And, you …
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