

It’s always gratifying to know when you’ve made a difference; when your actions or words have impacted someone’s life, and they’re somehow better because of their encounter with you. Over the years, I’ve had the good fortune to help many, many people. I’ve done it for their physical well being in my role as chiropractor, their emotional well being as a coach and counselor, and their mental well being as an author and speaker. I …
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My friend, Barry, a meditation teacher, is fond of saying that the path to consciousness is like warfare. It’s a battle waged within, against our own habits and attitudes. As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” When we choose to do the work of change, which requires going within and finding silence beyond the incessant chatter of our mind, that mind inevitably rebels. Some of us are fortunate that it’s …
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Are you a “quiet winner?”

Are you a “quiet winner?”

What’s a quiet winner? It’s someone who has discovered the secret that he who embraces silence to the greatest extent is in the best position to rise to victory in any situation. This applies to any worthy pursuit requiring expertise… Are you an athlete? Then you need to train your mind to silence, or victory will be fleeting. Are you a sales professional? Then you too must abide in silence or your mental chatter will defeat your efforts to …
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The Train Whistle and Your Success

The Train Whistle and Your Success

I ran into an old friend at the dog park when I was walking Woody. He said (the friend, not Woody) he was “beyond boredom.” I was fascinated. What did he mean? He was referring to the fact that his life so full that he didn’t have time to be bored. I was curious, though, to find out what happened when he did have holes in his day. I asked him. “Oh, that’s when I …
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When Are You a Failure?

When Are You a Failure?

A year ago tonight, I performed a hypnosis show at a high school on the other side of the state. The next day, I got a message from a young man who had been at the show, wanting to have some of my time to discuss his life situation and how hypnosis might help. I offered him a free session, and we scheduled a thirty minute phone conversation. During that conversation, I learned that he had …
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