Are you a “quiet winner?”

Are you a “quiet winner?”

What’s a quiet winner? It’s someone who has discovered the secret that he who embraces silence to the greatest extent is in the best position to rise to victory in any situation. This applies to any worthy pursuit requiring expertise… Are you an athlete? Then you need to train your mind to silence, or victory will be fleeting. Are you a sales professional? Then you too must abide in silence or your mental chatter will defeat your efforts to …
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The Train Whistle and Your Success

The Train Whistle and Your Success

I ran into an old friend at the dog park when I was walking Woody. He said (the friend, not Woody) he was “beyond boredom.” I was fascinated. What did he mean? He was referring to the fact that his life so full that he didn’t have time to be bored. I was curious, though, to find out what happened when he did have holes in his day. I asked him. “Oh, that’s when I …
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The Truth About Preparation

The Truth About Preparation

When is enough preparation enough? Let’s say you’re preparing to give a speech or make some sort of presentation. Maybe you’re a sales person and have to go into a meeting with a client or prospect. You think, “I better get myself ready!” So, you start studying your subject matter. You learn everything you can about the topic on which you’ll be speaking or the product you’ll be selling. You learn what you can about …
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What Are You Selling?

What Are You Selling?

Are you selling freedom… or bondage? Selling bondage means using tactics designed to create dependency or addiction. The most obvious example is the drug dealer, but there are many examples in “legitimate” business. McDonald’s puts extra sugar and additives in their food to make them more addictive. Some physicians withhold information from patients in order to make themselves more vital. They disdain a free flow of information, because if the patient had access to the information …
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You Aren’t Going to Believe Me

You Aren’t Going to Believe Me

A couple of years ago, I stopped using shaving cream. I’d been wondering if it was necessary. Sure, the media has us convinced that we need it for a smooth shave, along with a host of other skin care products for age-defying beauty. But, is it true? Turns out it’s NOT. I get very smooth shaves using soap and warm water. I’ve stopped other products too. My skin is clear and healthy without wrinkle-removers. My …
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