I seldom post the content of other authors here on my blog page. Not that there aren’t some excellent authors out there, but generally, it’s my voice people come to hear on this platform. Nonetheless, I’m making an exception in this case.

This wonderful and generous woman, Sally Keys, approached me to share her work. As a fan of mine, she knew the sorts of things that I value, and she wrote what I think is a great article on a topic dear to my heart.

So, I hope you’ll read, share, and comment on this one! Thanks Sally!

Boost Mood and Productivity In the Great Outdoors

Success in life all comes down to attitude. This is why you should never make decisions when you’re in a bad mood. If you are feeling sad, tired or anxious, you can find it difficult to make the right decisions or to make a decision at all. Feelings of emptiness or low self-worth can cause procrastination, which in turn leads to feelings of low self-worth. It is a cycle that needs to be broken using hypnosis and mindfulness. Yet, there is one simple step you can take to overcome negative moods: spend more time outside.

Neurological Effects of Nature

Technology has a profoundly negative effect on the brain. Scientists believe that technology reduces our ability to concentrate and to feel appreciation for life. It is providing us with constant stimulation, which practitioners of mindfulness will know can lead to anxiety and an inability to switch off.

Our ancestral home is in the wild and we have a spiritual yearning for nature. That’s not to say you should abandon technology, give away all your possessions and live with a pack of wolves. A simple 10 minute walk a day is enough to release endorphins and boost mood.

Neuroscientists have observed how viewing images of urban environments sends blood to the amygdala, a part of the brain associated with fear and anxiety. Observing images of nature, conversely, activates the anterior cingulate and insula, regions associated with empathy and altruism. So it is not solely the exercise that matters, but simply looking at natural environments which makes us happier and kinder people.

Benefits for Productivity

Feeling stressed is incredibly bad for productivity. It leads to procrastination and inhibits our desire to work. To offset the stress of work, we need to find time to relax and recharge using mindfulness.

Nature has an incredibly calming effect and seems to exist only in the here and now. This means that it is the perfect environment in which to become mindful. The sounds of flowing water, howling winds and chirping birds fill our awareness and take our attention away from inner turmoil. This allows us to forget about work, so that our brains can recharge. When we return to the office, we’ll be ready to work at a much faster rate.

The advancement of laptops, smartphones and tablets has helped us to achieve more from work. However, this constant stimulation may actually be limiting productivity, by creating feelings of stress and anxiety. Overcome this by taking time to regularly unplug and experience nature.

If you’d like to learn more about Sally and her work, visit http://backpackerverse.com/awaken-spirituality-reconnect/.

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