Dr. Steve Taubman, author of BUDDHA IN THE TRENCHES, shares philosophy, science, and humor, interviews business experts and thought leaders, and challenges your understanding of the human mind, providing the latest revelations and the most enduring wisdom on happiness, productivity, and success. Personal development, leadership, and organizational culture are explored in an honest, lighthearted way, and each show leaves listeners with useable tools to enhance their business and personal lives.
Top thought leaders agree, Dr. Steve brings out their very best! Here’s guest, Ryan Long, thanking Dr. Steve for a recent show
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Category: Uncategorized
When is enough enough? Let’s say you’re preparing to give a speech or make some sort of presentation. Maybe you’re a sales person and have to go into a meeting with a client or prospect. You think, “I better get myself ready!” So, you start studying your subject matter. You learn everything you can about the topic on which you’ll be speaking or the product you’ll be selling. You learn what you can about the
The Purpose of Relationships
Category: Uncategorized
I’ve decided to reprint a recent letter to a dear friend in the throes of her struggle with a relatively new relationship. The question was, “Do I stay or leave?” I think my response speaks to a fundamental error we all make when evaluating our relationships. This letter was very helpful to her and I hope it is to you as well. It begins with a quote: You meet another person and there are qualities
Category: Uncategorized
My friend, Barry, a meditation teacher, is fond of saying that the spiritual path is like warfare. It’s a battle waged within. As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” And, in that regard, Rinpoche’s quote is especially germane. “Emotions are the generals of ego’s army.” When we choose to do the work of going within and finding silence beyond the incessant chatter of the mind, that mind inevitably rebels. Some
Making an impact
Category: Uncategorized
It’s always gratifying to know when you’ve made a difference; when your actions or words have impacted someone’s life, and they’re somehow different because of their encounter with you. Over the years, I’ve had the good fortune to work with and help many, many people. I’ve done it for their physical well being in my role as chiropractor, I’ve done it for their emotional well being as a coach and counselor, and I’ve done it
Mindfulness and addiction
Category: Uncategorized
EXCERPT FROM UNHYPNOSIS As a typically shallow person of my gender, I happened to take notice of a certain physical attribute of a female friend. It started innocently and unintentionally as I glimpsed her bending over my colleague’s desk while they spoke. At the time, she was wearing a pair of burgundy velvet pants that fit like a glove. Inadvertently, I found myself obsessing about her anatomical perfection in that particular region. From there my