Dr. Steve Taubman, author of BUDDHA IN THE TRENCHES, shares philosophy, science, and humor, interviews business experts and thought leaders, and challenges your understanding of the human mind, providing the latest revelations and the most enduring wisdom on happiness, productivity, and success. Personal development, leadership, and organizational culture are explored in an honest, lighthearted way, and each show leaves listeners with useable tools to enhance their business and personal lives.
Top thought leaders agree, Dr. Steve brings out their very best! Here’s guest, Ryan Long, thanking Dr. Steve for a recent show
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Direct Sales Should Be Fun!
Category: Sales & Marketing
Fun Will Bring Success In Direct Sales You know how ideas arise and fly around your head like butterflies, seldom landing where you can catch them? As I chase my mental butterflies, I often do my best to express the ideas they embody, but only when I get really excited do I realize that one has landed. You know when you have a good idea and you know when you’ve got a great idea; one
Customer Service Follow Up
Category: Sales & Marketing
Good Customer Service Is All About Follow Up We all have satisfied and even enthusiastic clients, who know us, like us and trust us, and those are the same people who are likely to buy from us again and refer us new business. Yet, we all spend the majority of our time hunting for new business. Why not shift our attention a bit to the customers we’ve already won over? Why not make follow up
Attitude Effects Your Sales and Leadership “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” –Pogo You can’t be in a position of influence very long without coming to realize that the first and most important battle you have to fight is with yourself. Your own mental and emotional attitudes have more to do with your success or failure than anything going on with the people and circumstances around you. Your sales and your abilities
Hyperbole Definition: Hyperbole n. (hye-PER-buh-lee) is a figure of speech in which statements are exaggerated. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is not meant to be taken literally. Some hyperbole examples: “These books weigh a ton” “I could sleep for a year” Hyperbole in Sales & Marketing Hyperbole rears its head in many areas of sales and marketing. How often have you walked into a furniture
8 Steps to Greater Success
Category: Uncategorized
Step By Step System To Success The topic on my mind this week is energy, so I’m posting an excerpt from my book, Increase Your Mind, Increase Your Sales that offers some step by step instructions on using a SYSTEM to create consistent energy: Given our tendency as human beings to be pulled off our paths, we need to develop and cultivate necessary strength. Necessary strength is the psychological equivalent of muscle conditioning. You don’t