Attitude Effects Your Sales and Leadership

“We have met the enemy, and he is us.” –Pogo

You can’t be in a position of influence very long without coming to realize that the first and most important battle you have to fight is with yourself. Your own mental and emotional attitudes have more to do with your success or failure than anything going on with the people and circumstances around you. Your sales and your abilities to lead your team have everything to do with your attitude. Do you have a leadership attitude?
It’s easy to point your finger at the situations you’re in; the opinions and positions of those you meet, when justifying your lack of success. But those things have very little real power…once you become a master of frame control.
Frame control is the ability to generate meaning for any given situation, independent of the meaning others attempt to give it. It’s how you show up; how you appear to the world and how it appears to you.

When I used to perform a lot of close up magic at restaurants and banquets, I’d approach a table of individuals with the offer of entertainment. Usually, I’d be very well received, but occasionally, I’d get the impression that I wasn’t being held in the highest esteem upon initial approach. positive leadership attitude

Create A Positive Attitude

But I was a master of frame control. I could put myself in situations where people didn’t seem to want me or like me, and by holding on tightly to my positive attitude and a belief in my ability to create a joyful atmosphere, quickly win them over. It got to the point where I’d walk into a restaurant gig and have the hostess point me towards the most hostile table so I could go change their mood. It happened regularly and almost without fail.
Left to their own devices, people will make up a meaning for every situation, reflective of their overall mood or stand. Some people are always in a bad mood and take the stand that something around them is wrong; even before they know what it is.
My stand is that there’s fun to be had. I don’t know how, but I’m sure that if I stand for fun, fun will appear; even with grumpy people. So, I create that frame around my experiences, and more often than not end up manifesting it in reality. You can and should create an attitude around you that is setting a positive image.

Direct Sales Leaders, Success Strategy

As a direct sales leader, you can use this same principle. You’re in charge of how you show up. So stand for fun, profit, possibility, etc. Don’t let others’ moods or stands drag you down. If you want them to want what you’re selling, don’t wait for them to give you a sense of certainty. Create it yourself! The strategy of choosing your attitude will result in greater success!

Word count: 494

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