
“Life is the movie you see through your own unique eyes. It makes little difference what’s happening out there.”     -Dennis Whaitley

Flying back from a speaking engagement, I struck up a conversation with my seatmate. She said her husband’s a lawyer who makes his career submitting DNA evidence on old cases to reopen them and have falsely imprisoned convicts released. Turns out that, even in the face of overwhelming evidence, the state is often reluctant to overturn convictions.

What on Earth would make somebody so stubborn and heartless that they’d ignore evidence of someone’s innocence knowing that to do so will prolong unnecessary suffering? 

The answer is unconsciousness. The hypnotized mind doesn’t see past its own beliefs, even when there’s evidence to the contrary.  Whenever we stubbornly cling to a belief and fail to hear someone out who challenges it, we are living from an unconscious, hypnotized place. Have you had the experience of talking to someone and feeling like you were talking to a wall? Were you ever the wall? It takes courage to bring down that wall; at least that’s what I think. What do you think it takes?

Listen to the podcast above as we explore the nature of belief, and how we can break through our programming to allow new information in…about OUR OWN INNOCENCE!

PS. Hey Guys, don’t forget that I’ve still got a few coaching slots open for eager go-getters who are stuck and ready for breakthroughs. Send your request for a free discovery session. 

Word count: 253


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