Fighting the right enemy

I hate when I’m sick, don’t you?

How about when you have back pain? Or when someone you thought was a friend betrays you? Or when you’re just plain fed up with what’s going on in the world?

Hate it!

Interestingly, I’ve noticed that whenever I hate something, I get into this “me against that thing” mentality. I want to fight it. It’s the enemy.

Whether it’s back pain or slowdowns in business or the intolerance and stupidity of others, I just want to shake that thing, choke it out, slap it silly. Make it go away.

So I spend a lot of time trying to push that reality out of existence or at least out of my consciousness. I need to vanquish the enemy!

Until I remember that the #1 enemy in every and all situations is AVERSION. Hatred. Unwillingness to accept what is.

I remember reading that whenever you and reality come into conflict, reality always wins. So, learning to accept reality is the first battle, before anything of value can be done about the outer “enemy.”

This recognition has allowed me to help myself and others overcome everything from poverty to illness to pain to insecurity to resistant buyers.

Start with a heightened awareness of your aversion. Begin to notice whenever you say something to yourself our out loud that starts with “I hate it when…”

And then, go inside and experience the nuances of that feeling. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable, rise victorious over the real enemy, and you’ll find you can bring greater resourcefulness to the outer challenge you’re facing.

I’m doing a lot of this with people’s physical health lately, and finding, as expected, that when I train people to vanquish aversion and embrace their health challenges, they start to get better. It’s pretty amazing! If you want to learn more about that process, check out!

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