Bring it On

Bring it On

This morning, I showered under an ice cold spray…on purpose! I was in there for five minutes. Washed my hair, soaped up, rinsed off…all of it while the water was as cold as it would go. I’m certain I got just as clean as I would have under a warm stream… plus the added benefit. “Benefit, you say?! I’d rather stick needles under my fingernails!” Yes, benefit! Because over the last few weeks, I’ve been discovering, …
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Embracing Nothing

Embracing Nothing

Some people just can’t take a hint. Most people don’t know a gift when they see it. And pretty much nobody likes nothing. Watch what happens when you take away someone’s hobby… or their favorite TV show… or their job. Sure, they’ll tell you that it’s a matter of practicality that they have to keep working, or watching, or collecting, or whatever. But we all know deep down that the tantrum isn’t about the thing …
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Staying the Course

Staying the Course

I was just interviewed by the great Rodney Flowers on his awesome podcast, Game Changer Mentality. (our episode isn’t live yet, but check out the other ones!) We were discussing how to be resilient in difficult times like these. How do we stay the course when our minds are dominated by disease, ignorance, social injustice, anger, and uncertainty about where we are heading as individuals and as a society? He and I both agreed on several …
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Freezing your way to success

Freezing your way to success

A couple of days ago, I submerged myself in a bathtub full of ice water. My plan was to stay in for two minutes, but extreme foot cramping chased me out in forty five seconds. Still, I’m proud of the accomplishment and fascinated by what I learned getting there. The two week journey leading to the big plunge was a guided online course from Wim Hof, AKA The Iceman. If you’re not familiar with him, …
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Fighting the right enemy

Fighting the right enemy

I hate when I’m sick, don’t you? How about when you have back pain? Or when someone you thought was a friend betrays you? Or when you’re just plain fed up with what’s going on in the world? Hate it! Interestingly, I’ve noticed that whenever I hate something, I get into this “me against that thing” mentality. I want to fight it. It’s the enemy. Whether it’s back pain or slowdowns in business or the …
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