When a company hosts an associate dinner or lunch they are typically hoping to accomplish a few things.

Often, the first objective is to create a friendly setting where the hierarchy of the corporate environment is limited, assisting in building camaraderie.

The second objective is to show appreciation for the associates and management.  It’s important for everyone in an organization to know they are cared for and appreciated.

The final objective is typically to assist a company recapping their progress and then inspire both associates and individual productivity to help move the business into the next phase.

One of the best methods to achieve this is through the utilization of a keynote speech. With any keynote speech there are often four areas that should be addressed.

1. RENEW TEAM ENTHUSIASM: As associates go through their daily routine a sense of redundancy can develop.  This slows productivity and often leaves associates feeling uninspired. A great keynote speech can help associates discover new enthusiasm for their job  – and even be inspired to discover new ways to improve their own business skills.  Key here is finding a keynote speaker that truly is inspiring and entertaining.

2. DECREASE STRESS: Company luncheons or dinners are designed for the key purpose of helping associates relax from the pressures of the business. An effective keynote speaker will help associates discover new ways to reduce their stress when returning to work, and often help them find new perspective.

3. IMPROVE COMMUNICATION: Segregation can often be a factor in the business environment.  An engaging keynote speaker can help identify these barriers in a completely non-threatening way, and help improve communication on all levels, thereby increasing productivity and communication channels.

4. ENTERTAINMENT: This should not be under-rated!  Find a keynote speaker that truly understands how to deliver a powerful, fun and interactive message to your company and team.  The difference this makes is palatable and far more effective than something that’s perceived as boring or “targeted”.

A keynote speech should be beneficial to a company and  should also look to break the monotonous hold the business world has on individuals.

Visit www.stevetaubman.com for more information on the difference an inspiring and entertaining keynote speech can make for your company.  While there, visit the Testimonials page or watch the Testimonial videos on the homepage.  Listen to what others have to say!

I’d love to hear what you’re looking for in a keynote speaker and message.  Please comment below!  Let me know what you liked – and didn’t like – in the keynote messages you’ve heard in the past.

Dr. Steve

Word count: 426

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