How to handle the recession

Prepare to fight me on this… I was recently interviewed by the lovely Ingrid Vanderveldt (www.ontheroadwithiv, check it out!) and I was explaining my model of success, saying that just getting what you want ISN’T IT. In fact you can make yourself miserable trying to get what you want (or think you want) when success is already right here waiting for you. You have to first commit to state control (the art of creating the proper state …
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Hello Everyone

This is the first post on my new blog site. Please visit me here often for thoughts, ideas, and strategies to implement a mindful approach to your life and success. This blog is for anyone interested in their own consciousness and how it influences their success and happiness. My friend and meditation coach, Barry, reminds me to make the following disclaimer up front. You won’t believe anything I say. Why? Because everything that’s causing your …
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