Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that anxiety is at an all-time high.
Watch The Social Dilemma, and you’ll discover how social media has contributed to its rise. Then, consider the political climate, the pandemic, unemployment, uncertainty, and dozens of other contributing factors.
Anxiety is here to stay. And, unless you develop a foolproof method for vanquishing it, you’ll probably fall victim to it, if you haven’t already.
Meanwhile, I’m happy to report that, despite my predilection towards anxiety and a lifetime of fighting it, I’m fine. I have virtually no anxiety, certainly far less than at far less troubling times.
Anxiety can be controlled and beaten. It’s just a matter of knowing how.
Drugs aren’t the answer (sometimes they may play a role, but not the starring role). Moving to a small village in Croatia probably isn’t the answer either (although how cool would that be?)
What reliably crushes anxiety is the strategic application of a few proven methods. And these are the methods I use in helping myself and others.
First, there’s hypnosis. Like it or not, your subconscious mind is running the show, firing off the same habitual nerve pathways that result in anxiety over and over again. You don’t have access to those thoughts, because they occur below your conscious awareness. Hypnosis bypasses all of that and trains your brain to respond differently. It offers your deep, habitual mind other options that lead to other emotional outcomes.
Second, there’s mindfulness. Even if you’ve “tried meditating and didn’t like it” you’ve got to revisit this unbelievably effective tool. You need to learn how to quiet your noisy mind, relax your brain, and stand back from your habitual thoughts. You need to rewire the part of your brain that echos your neurotic concerns back and forth to the alarm centers of your brainstem resulting in unnecessary anguish.
Mindfulness meditation for just a few minutes a day does both!
And third, you need to get a dose of cognitive restructuring. You need someone wiser than yourself to be able to point out to you exactly how your thought patterns are structured and where they lead. Then you need a strategy for building new pathways, which is possible thanks to something called neuroplasticity.
Yup, your brain is plastic (read flexible) and will build new pathways based on deliberate and intentional changes in what you’re thinking.
As The Anxiety Doc, I’ve spent decades walking people through this three step process, and it works. I don’t care how neurotic, agitated, worried, or panicky you are. You can be helped.
And, since I’m focusing these days on personal rather than professional transformation (like my work with Dr. Tim in The OUCH! Doctors programs), I want you to consider how I can help you…or your anxiety ridden teenager…to live a happy and rewarding life.
I figure if I can help you get through this neurotic time, you’ll be ready for professional transformation when the time comes.
But first, let’s get you happy and emotionally healthy!
If you want to look at my unique solution to anxiety (and even get a free discovery call with me) visit https://theanxietydoc.net/.
To Your Emotional Health,
Dr. Steve