Vision of Success

Visualize successCaterina Rando wrote a chapter in Build it Big in which she advocates creating a clear vision of success or “snapshot” that will align your subconscious mind with the “why” that keeps you in business. In that article, she uses the example of a woman who connected with her why by seeing a mental picture of dropping her kids off at their private school, all smiles and laughter. The process of visualizing the image conjured up a sense of accomplishment and joy for the woman.
It’s very important to note the immediate and profound effect of creating this vision. It didn’t take time or effort to build a sense of purpose or passion. It happened instantaneously; at the very moment the image formed.

Mental Visualization Process

That’s how it is with real growth and success. It’s magical. In the instant the image forms mentally, a shift occurs in the “feeling state” of the individual…and a process begins to unfold that has infinite power to create results.
So, the real question is, “How do I create the right vision; the one that fuels an endless stream of action steps which lead to my success?”

3 Tips To Visualizing Success

Here are three tips that will assist you in visualizing success:

  1. Picture an end result. Don’t get lured into thinking you have to picture all the steps you must take to get that result. So, for example, don’t picture yourself making your sales calls, blogging, tweeting, or delivering presentations. Picture what happens once those action steps have borne fruit. How do you feel? What are you doing with your life? What’s happening in your relationships? What successes are you looking for?
  2. Don’t picture money. It’s easy to let monetary goals dominate your imagery world. We set money goals because we think we know how much money we want or need to achieve our desired outcomes. But, remember it’s not the money you want but the lifestyle it will empower. Let that be the image you create. Money by itself very seldom fuels the proper emotions.
  3. Experiment. Your first, second or even third “snapshot” may not have the necessary juice. You need to keep exploring your imagination until you find a vision; whether static or moving, which truly excites you. Get creative. Play. Dream. Explore.

Once you find an image that resonates at a deep level in your heart and mind, you’ll find yourself replaying it again and again; naturally. Then, the magic will begin and the Universe will guide you through all the steps necessary to manifest that outcome.

Word count: 431

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