Sometimes a company approaches a business event with the impression that motivational speakers must be serious, business oriented and have a focus on the company.

Without a doubt, that has its place.  At issue – this style of motivational speaking can often prove boring and redundant and thereby ineffective.

This takes the power away from the motivational speaker as associates tend to shut themselves off, and the speaker out.  A motivational speaker should provide inspiration and entertainment, keeping the attention of the associates and making them more open to the powerful business message they can provide.

An ideal method of motivational speaking that grabs the attention of associates quickly and effectively in a hypnotist show. The benefits of a hypnotist show are often dismissed by upper management at first, yet the symbolism and message in this type of entertainment rings true for associates.  If done correctly and professionally, hypnotism can be very effective in a keynote speaking event.  Yes, there is such a thing as a “Corporate Hypnotist”!

One benefit that’s separate from the show itself, is associates feel a level of appreciation for the effort the company has made in providing associates with a break from the working environment. The combination of a hypnotist show accompanied by magic and a business themed message allows an associate to enjoy the entertainment while absorbing the lessons of business – without even realizing it.

The second benefit that this found with a business themed hypnotist show relates to the symbolism that exists in the business environment. A hypnotist show can reveal to associates the hypnotic hold that redundancy and acceptance of procedures has on an individual. From birth, people are taught to obey the hierarchy of business and to blindly follow the procedures of the past.

While this may seem beneficial to a business, a hypnotist show will reveal that it hinders the progress of the business. When associates are trained to follow, they lack the inspiration to lead and new leadership in business often helps a company excel into new business ventures and revenue opportunities. Even improvements on archaic policies can help an associate feel appreciated – boosting productivity and thereby increasing company revenue.

More individuals retain information when they can enjoy the methods that are utilized to deliver it, and that’s the third benefit.

A hypnotist show provides unique experiences while hypnotically delivering the messages your business needs in order to inspire associates and increase productivity.

To find a master hypnotist, and successful motivational keynote speaker who will get your business message across visit   I look forward to connecting with you, and partnering to create a keynote event that will help your business achieve it’s goals.

~Dr. Steve

Word count: 448

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