Many of you are aware of my background; that I used to be a practicing chiropractic physician before becoming a corporate keynote hypnotist. What you may not know is that I maintain my chiropractic license, and to do so need to attend periodic continuing education seminars. Yesterday, I attended oneĀ  and I had some “aha moments.”

The doctor spoke about the true concept of holistic health. Nowadays, any so-called natural remedy for an illness is considered holistic, but that’s a misnomer. Holistic health in its truest sense isn’t about curing an illness but about enhancing the underlying well-being of the individual. Holistic health care doesn’t target any outside agent such as a virus or bacteria. Anybody who understands that our bodies are riddled with germs all the time must come to realize that the presence of them isn’t the reason we’re sick. We’re sick because our resistance has become compromised, and we must solve that or nothing else will work. You can never kill all the germs around you. It’s a losing battle. Instead you need to maximize your well being through diet, exercise and the removal of nerve interference that blocks communication within the system.

Although I’m no longer a practicing chiropractor, I retain the same philosophy when it comes to the health of a company or the success of its sales force. Often, companies and individuals will try to cure their “illness;” low sales numbers, poor morale, diminishing productivity, etc. by trying to add more knowledge. Maybe yet another sales script will be the answer to boosting those numbers. Maybe some new policies or regulations will kill the low morale virus.

Of course none of these things really work. The answer, as with physical health, lies within. The ability to release ones God-given ability to be creative, to think on ones feet, to engender rapport, and to maintain perspective in the face of challenges are the only way to create true and lasting change.

Utilizing humor, astonishment and hypnosis, it’s possible to release qualities of hope, vision, clarity and power in a demotivated sales force. Further, the use of self-hypnosis techniques to discover and remove negative mental programming is invaluable in producing true and lasting results. You can talk to people all day long; hand them script after script, regulation after regulation, and nothing will change fundamentally. Not until those individuals are empowered from within.

So, consider a new approach. Corporate keynote hypnosis will radically change the morale and effectiveness of your team. It’s one thing to bring someone in to talk about stress reduction. It’s another to have someone come in and actually remove the stress…and leave the team with the inner wisdom and perspective to continue performing at their highest level of effectiveness.

To learn more about this approach, visit

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