
You know when you’ve been searching for the perfect home, and then you find it? It’s refreshing; it’s a relief. That’s how I feel, having found myself last week speaking to the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance.

What made it so especially satisfying was the openness of the women (and some men as well) to the message about selling from the heart. My corporate keynote speeches and entertainment programs all center around the same message, but in the corporate world you have to put in a little more spade work to get folks to acknowledge the importance of these principles.

But there in the direct selling world, the mere mention of my topic (Removing the Hidden Barriers to Success) aroused ample curiosity and eagerness.

The point is that we could ALL benefit from being reminded that it doesn’t matter what we know if we haven’t first mastered who we are. We all need to focus on being more present, quieting our minds, reprogramming negative beliefs, and inspiring others by first connecting with our own hearts.

Bravo to the open, receptive and loving women I met at the DSWA Celebration event!

Word count: 191

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