Our psyches are structured in such a way that it’s very easy to fall prey to our own negative emotions, self-talk, etc. One of the most powerful ways to rise above the automatic, repetitive nature of our reality-skewing internal dialogue is to see it for what it is; images projected onto the screens of our minds which seduce us into believing lies.

You’re not who you think you are. Neither are the people around you. Your mom’s NOT the nagging presence you believe her to be. Your dad’s NOT the authoritative automaton you believe him to be. You’re not the shallow, worthless person you believe yourself to be.

We’re constantly bombarded by images of “reality” that have as much to do with reality as movies on a screen. The images are merely light colored and bent in a way that convinces us that what we’re seeing is a continuous story. Not true.

Power, possibility, freedom, and happiness require a certain amount of detachment from those images. We need to stand in a place where we can distinguish reality from illusion. The problem is that we have a difficult time staying in that place. It’s as if one minute we were watching the movie knowing it was a movie, and the next minute we’re pulled into the illusion and think it’s us up there on the screen. Then we start taking things way too seriously.

One technique for disentangling ourselves from the illusion is to have a dream; a vision for our future. When we create a worthy future, we stop being seduced by the movie. We create our own movie. We turn our attention away from the inner voices and take our cues from the future we’ve created for ourselves.

This week, try seeing yourself as the ideal version of you. Commit to moving into that place; growing into those shoes. When your mind takes you back to the movie (and you’ll know that when you become upset in any way), try saying this:

Dissolve illusion; illuminate truth.

Remember to visit my site, www.stevetaubman.com to learn more about the UnHypnosis Method for overcoming mental blocks and facilitating breakthroughs, leading to peace, achievement and success!

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