
My friend, Barry, a meditation teacher, is fond of saying that the path to consciousness is like warfare.

It’s a battle waged within, against our own habits and attitudes. As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”

When we choose to do the work of change, which requires going within and finding silence beyond the incessant chatter of our mind, that mind inevitably rebels.

Some of us are fortunate that it’s a mild rebellion requiring just a bit of willpower to resist distractions.

For others, myself included, the mind throws up unbelievable roadblocks to silence. Thoughts arise about the nature of thought, the hypervigilant neurotic mind takes over, the heart rate increases, the throat closes down, and the mind becomes fuzzy.

Emotions like fear, confusion, frustration, and anger arise. Hopelessness and despair follow as the dominant thoughts are of defeat. “This mind is too powerful; too pervasive to overcome. Silence is impossible, and therefore, so is change.”

Deep and lasting change can feel like torture, but the directive is to stay the course.

Remain present and sit through the pull of your emotions. As the “generals of ego’s army,” emotions are the most powerful foes we face; the easiest to take seriously.

As you sit with your emotions refusing to allow them to defeat you, you may be lucky enough to experience glimpses of silence and a sense of relief.

Remain quiet and continue to observe what you feel with “unbearable compassion.” At some point, the resisting emotions my vanish. And in their wake, you may get to experience a whole new version of yourself.

That is the battle we must wage in order to arise victorious over our own mental barriers. Once we’ve made the commitment and invested the time in silently sitting through our habitual patterns, we regain the power of choice. That means, we’re free to become who we’re meant to be; happy, prosperous, and wise.

Let me assure you. As painful as this sounds, the victory is worth the battle.

If you’d like a coach as you wage the battle against your own mental and emotional patterns, let me know. You can schedule a free discovery call to learn how I can help you to become happy and free, excelling in your professional and personal life, and enjoying stress-free living!

Nothing gives me greater joy!

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