The Spirit of Cooperation

“We cannot build our own future without helping others to build theirs.”     -Bill Clinton As I move through the process of inviting people into my upcoming program, I’m reaching out to friends and colleagues quite a bit more than usual. I’ve been asking them if they’ll help spread the word by emailing and posting to their lists, talking about my material on their shows, and using any medium at their disposal to let people know …
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Prosperity Consciousness

“Prosperity is measured not by how much you have, but by how little you need.”     -Dr. Steve Taubman I’m always amazed by people who make lots of money and are still broke. You’d think at some point they’d realize that getting more won’t fill the gap between what they have and what they need. Acquisition for its own sake doesn’t work…and we can all be quite comfortable with far less than we have. Witness the …
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If you sell, recruit, enroll or influence…LISTEN TO THIS 4 MINUTE RECORDING!

I had an interesting conversation with a woman in network marketing yesterday about her aversion to “closing the sale.” Nothing new. Lots of us have the issue. But something she said made a light go on in my head. I suddenly understood why so many people fear closing, and what they’re telling themselves that’s JUST PLAIN WRONG! If you get this distinction, you’ll be on the road to the cure for your close-o-phobia…so check this …
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“I don’t have time for you”…How does that feel?

Last night, I wrote a Facebook post out of frustration at not being able to reach a few colleagues and potential business partners after repeated attempts. I was blown away that these people were able to completely ignore my communications, and I shared my reaction to it. Upon venting my frustration on Facebook, I received close to a hundred responses in just a few hours; mostly from people agreeing with me that such behavior is …
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Mindfulness and the frustration of being a step ahead

Years ago, while I was a chiropractor, I studied nutrition from the cutting edge research being conducted largely at universities and hospitals in Europe. America had yet to place any emphasis on the importance of nutrition. Medical physicians and leading “authorities” in the US scoffed at the notion that your diet could affect your well being. Those that had some belief in the importance of nutrition often still hadn’t the slightest notion of what constituted …
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