This weeks interview is another great one!  I am happy to present you with Bobbi Hood.

Bobbi Hood is a Senior  Executive Director with BeautiControl and has been with the company for 23 years.

Many believed that making a living with a home-based business would be difficult a small town.  However, Bobbi believed in the power of having a dream.  While balancing her responsibilities as a wife and a mother of two, she saw an opportunity to better herself and others and seized it.

Soon Bobbi was promoted to Director.  Followed by a promotion to Executive Director and than Sr Ex Director. She now leads and motivates a team of over twelve hundred women.  While building her business, Bobbi realized that she not only loved working in the Direct-selling industry, but more importantly she loved helping others realize their potential by following their own dreams.  This lead to explosive growth in her business. She has promoted 13 Directors and her Executive team grossed nearly $3 million last year.  She has been consistently recognized among the Top 10 Executive Directors in the Nation. What others thought was impossible, Bobbi has turned into a six figure income while having fun, sharing her passion and living her dreams.

The interview is now archived and for members ONLY.  To find out how to become a member, click here.

Word count: 222

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