Bring it On

Bring it On

This morning, I showered under an ice cold spray…on purpose! I was in there for five minutes. Washed my hair, soaped up, rinsed off…all of it while the water was as cold as it would go. I’m certain I got just as clean as I would have under a warm stream… plus the added benefit. “Benefit, you say?! I’d rather stick needles under my fingernails!” Yes, benefit! Because over the last few weeks, I’ve been discovering, …
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Staying the Course

Staying the Course

I was just interviewed by the great Rodney Flowers on his awesome podcast, Game Changer Mentality. (our episode isn’t live yet, but check out the other ones!) We were discussing how to be resilient in difficult times like these. How do we stay the course when our minds are dominated by disease, ignorance, social injustice, anger, and uncertainty about where we are heading as individuals and as a society? He and I both agreed on several …
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Facts About Facts

Facts About Facts

People are on edge, and it’s taking its toll on their capacity to adapt to current circumstances. Not everything can be helped, but we do have the capacity to release a large chunk of the tension that’s getting in our way, and it starts with finding common ground. Steve Siebold says that great leaders ‘operate on objective reality (also known as FACTS).” They may not like that reality, but the acknowledge it for what it is and …
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A Magical Workplace

A Magical Workplace

Last week, I posted a question to my Facebook followers. Which applications of mindfulness principles would you like me to address in future posts? Kay Mitchell (hi Kay) was kind enough to weigh in. She wanted to hear about how these principles apply at work.  So here goes… Have you ever walked into a store or an office, and known INSTANTLY that you wanted to stay there, hang around, do business with them, and refer others? …
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My friend, Barry, a meditation teacher, is fond of saying that the path to consciousness is like warfare. It’s a battle waged within, against our own habits and attitudes. As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” When we choose to do the work of change, which requires going within and finding silence beyond the incessant chatter of our mind, that mind inevitably rebels. Some of us are fortunate that it’s …
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