How To Control Your Mind, Discipline Techniques

We’re all junkies. We’re all addicted to seeing things a certain way; doing things the way we’ve always done them; reacting to others in a predictable fashion. We’re so addicted that we sincerely believe that our way is the only way. If someone looks at us a certain way, we have to feel rejected. If someone displays annoyance with us, we have to respond with righteous indignation. If the economy flags, we have to panic.

Magic of Discipline

Of course none of these things are true. You can completely circumvent all of your suffering by using the power and discipline of your own mind. You can decide that the choice is yours to respond to each circumstance and condition in a way that’s consistent with the person you choose to be; not in a way that’s determined by the situation.

control your mind

If someone says no to you, you could choose to be grateful. If someone is rude to you, you could choose to find it funny. If the economy flags, you could choose for that to be an opportunity.  That is discipline.  But, in order to take control of your own mind; to apply the power of choice, you have to first have the kind of mind that can accomplish that task. You don’t get that by accident or luck. You cultivate it.
That’s where discipline comes in. You need to discipline your mind to respond with power and love rather than react with frustration and fear. If that sounds impossible, it’s because up to now you’ve never looked at the reality of how your mind works, and you’ve allowed your addictions to run you.

How To Develop Discipline Techniques

Here are five powerful steps you can take that will allow you to develop the mental discipline necessary to take charge of your own mind:

  1. Realize that it is you, not your circumstances that create your suffering…always!
  2. Choose in advance how you want to be, regardless of others. Do you want to be loving, happy, and positive? Then choose it as a stand, independent of the way others act around you.
  3. Learn a basic meditation technique that strengthens your ability to focus your mind.
  4. Whenever you’re triggered into an emotional reaction, refuse to act on that. Rather, remind yourself that you created the reaction and that you’re willing to let it go.
  5. Using the meditation-focus technique you’ve been practicing, sit and observe the sensations that you’ve created as a result of your addictive thinking patterns until they extinguish themselves.  Only when you’re calm and centered should you ever attempt to resolve conflict, crisis or external circumstances.

Notice how, by taking this approach, your upsets are less frequent, less intense, and shorter in duration.
So, discipline yourself to develop a non-reactive mind, and you’ll quickly find that you can embrace the power of choice in every situation. Your new power will translate into less conflict, more business opportunities, and a more harmonious life.

I would love to present techniques and systems to your organization that will enhance your company’s leaders ability to overcome obstacles. Are you ready to take your company to the next level? Remove invisible walls and increase your team’s results!

Word count: 860

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