The  “Wash One Dish” Strategy For How Home Business Owners

In UnHypnosis, I share a simple technique for getting into action when the path before you looms large. It’s a problem for most of us to begin any task if it feels too big and requires too much commitment or discipline. Hence, our resumes just never seem to get written, our houses never seem to get cleaned, and our businesses never seem to get off the ground.

“Wash one dish” is a method for breaking through the immobility that seizes us in the face of a daunting journey. It comes from the idea that, when your house is too much of a mess to imagine cleaning, you should simply wash one dish. That’s it. In doing so, you start a machine in motion that often carries you through the entire mountain of housecleaning before you.

We operate so much better on small, finite actions. Take one on and you’re automatically empowered for the next. Momentum builds, and what seemed impossible soon becomes probable.

So, how is this useful to the network marketer or the direct seller? Take a look at all the things on your do-it list. Which are the ones you’re procrastinating about? Those are the ones that need to be broken into infinitesimally small pieces.

This idea has been particularly helpful for sales consultants who resist making recruiting calls. The fear, confusion, and overwhelm which have stopped them in the past are easily overcome with this technique.

Says one reader, “I couldn’t bring myself to make sales calls. I’d wake up and immediately either talk myself out of it or find a million things I needed to do first. Finally, I resolved to do one thing and one thing only. After stepping out of the shower and getting dressed, I’d sit in my desk chair facing the computer, placing my headset on and looking at my call list. That was it.”

She goes on to say, “After doing that just once, I figured, why not just make the first call? I can stop right after that! I did it, and an hour later looked back and realized I’d made five! It was amazing!”

Technique For Home Business Owners

Every home business owner can apply the  “wash one dish” technique, both in and out of their business. Just take a single, minuscule task that starts the chain of other activities, and commit to doing it. You’ll be surprised where it takes you.

And now, since I can’t imagine starting a new exercise regime, I’ve got to go put on my running shoes.

Word count: 435

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