I’m going to a Meet Up event this evening for people who like to have philosophical discussions about deep topics. Tonight’s topic is humor. What makes us laugh? What’s funny? Why do we experience humor as human beings? What purpose does it serve?

It’s got me thinking about the balance of my own life. For years, the bulk of my professional career has been about creating laughter and astonishment. More recently, I’ve been crafting a more “serious” program to empower business people by teaching them mindfulness skills. But the progress on marketing that program pales in comparison to how easily I manifest work as an entertainer…who happens to carry a subtext of hope, freedom and possibility.

Suddenly, I’m seeing my life in a different light. Before, it seemed that creating laughter was frivolous compared with the contribution I could make with my vast knowledge of ancient wisdom, spirituality, and the subconscious mind. Now, I’m feeling that there’s something so incredibly profound about merely entertaining a group in the way that I do. After all, people walk away with benefits like:

  • Decreased stress
  • Increased optimism
  • A willingness to let go of conflict and crisis
  • A fresh perspective on their troubles
  • A sense of wonder and possibility

So, right now that’s feeling like enough. If I can walk into a room, take the stage, create those effects, and never once bring up the spiritual or psychological implications of what I’ve done, I believe I’ve still served a noble purpose.

So, if you’re planning a meeting and need to bring in a “keynote speaker” you may want to consider having me come in and fill that slot without any overt content, knowing that between the laughter, gasps and tears of joy, something important will be conveyed.

Here’s my entertainment website: www.stevetaubmanshows.com.

Word count: 300

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