I just saw the movie Invictus with Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. The former plays Nelson Mandela who, upon returning to power after 26 years in prison, seeks to unite a fragmented population and recreate South Africa as a nation of pride and possibility. He inspires the national Rugby team captain to embrace the possibility of winning the world cup; a seemingly impossible task for a third rate team lacking the support of most of the country. He then inspires the nation to embrace the possibility of shedding the baggage of the past and looking to the team as a symbol for the new nation. To accomplish this powerful and touching transformation, Mandela has to acknowledge the anger, hurt and prejudice that already exists. He has to show that to hold onto those things will lead to a certain future of greater suffering and conflict. He has to call for the contrition and commitment of those who are seen as the oppressors to act in a different, more loving way. He has to call for the selfless, forgiving nature that lies dormant in every embittered soul, and he has to paint the picture of a proud, joyful and loving nation. The result is an unprecedented, unimaginable and unexpected triumph. We’ve seen the worst in people, and now we see the best. We see their ability to replace anger with compassion. We see their ability to give up their suspicion, hatred and desire for revenge. If Mandela can leave 26 years of servitude and forgive his captors and abusers, can’t an entire nation do the same? And if they refused, then what? More violence, more hatred…no possibility of transformation. Invictus was a moving thing to see, but it was also a call to action. Where am I holding a grudge? Who am I trapping by my judgments? What future am I ensuring by failing to let it go and forgive? How am I withholding my love? What can I do to earn the trust and respect of those I’ve wronged? What can I do to create love and possibilty? Am i going to do it? And, if not now, when? I invite you to look at your own life. What future are you creating out of your stubborn refusal to replace pride, fear and judgment wtih love and compassion. Can you inspire yourself to go beyond your petty concerns, beyond your “reasonable’ expectations, beyond your hurts and judgments…to a future beyond your wildest dreams? Make peace with everyone including yourself. See yourself as bigger than you do now. Become great. Otherwise, why bother getting up in the morning? I wish you all a very happy and joyous holiday season. Oh, if you’re looking for a last minute holiday gift, why not inspire your loved ones with a trip to see Invictus…and a copy of UnHypnosis! Word count: 474

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