This week’s interview is with another phenomenal person, Kathleen Ronald.  This is my 20th interview  with some really fantastic individuals and I have really enjoyed doing them.  That being said, this is the last  interview in the series.  I know you will enjoy it.

Kathleen Ronald, “Queen of Business Networking,” is an unparalleled networker, an internationally renowned speaker-trainer, business consultant and the founder of Speaktacular. Kathleen has more than 30 years of experience providing custom, inspirational keynotes, training seminars and consultancy to Fortune 500 companies, small business, and professional associations. Kathleen excels at helping people shed the cookie-cutter approach to prospecting and develop personal, authentic strategies that “build their net worth by building their network.” She is known for helping people leverage 10 hours of networking to turn into tens of thousands worth of business!

With a lifelong reputation for uniting people and building communities, she has founded successful networking groups, Fortune 10/10 (a women’s investment group), and WOW (Women of Wealth) Ventures and co-founded WIN (Women in Networking).

As a highly sought-after business consultant, her clients’ experience first-year revenue increases of 20 to 50%.

Kathleen was awarded the Top Business Consultant for San Jose, CA in 2009 – 2010.

She is also featured in several books, “Miracle Thinking” by Randy Peyser, “Got Experts” by Michele Moliter, and “Ultimate Life Lessons – Take Control Of Your Life…. Instead Of Letting Life Control You” by Eve Grace-Kelly, Vinden Grace and Tracy Repchuk.

The interview is now archived and for members ONLY.  To find out how to become a member, click here.

Word count: 259

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