The Direct Sales Gremlin Within

overcome obstacles in direct salesHave you ever planned to do something for your direct sales business and then stopped because you had second thoughts? Have you ever told yourself you were going to make prospecting calls and then talked yourself out of it? How about starting conversations about your direct selling business with people you meet on the street? It seemed like a good idea when you were in bed fantasizing about doing it, but in the “heat of battle” you thought better of it.

Guess what? It wasn’t you who talked you out of it. It was the Gremlin Within. We all have one. When you feel nervous, insecure, or ill-equipped to meet the task you set for yourself, you believe that those thoughts are yours and therefore need to be heeded. But they’re not. They’re the voices of the creature that lives inside you. His power lies in his ability to convince you of his reality. He scares you into submission.

But when you realize that those thoughts and the feelings they generate are coming from a gremlin who actually holds no real power, you can go on with the actions you chose for yourself earlier. As you continue forward on your intention, the gremlin will get very angry and try to make you feel that your life is in danger until you pay it some attention. But if you keep going a little longer, the gremlin finally gives up and goes away. Then, you’re free.

Overcome The Selling Obstacles

So, if you want to be successful, if you want to grow as a human being, if you want to be happy, don’t let the gremlin win. Instead overcome your obstacles:

  • Choose a course of action that you’ll follow regardless of the feelings that arise later.
  • Stay the course even when the feelings begin to come up.
  • Know that perseverance will eventually win out over fear.
  • Use positive self talk to keep yourself in action through the battle.
  • Remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Direct Sales Business Success Depends On Overcoming The Gremlins

Make peace with discomfort. It’s OK to feel nervous, fearful, doubtful and incapable…because it’s not real! Think about successful people who have gotten there not because they didn’t have gremlins but because they chose to act in spite of them. You’ll be surprised when you stay the course in the face of your gremlin’s tantrums, and suddenly find yourself on the other side of that wall; free, happy, peaceful and successful. Just remember that your business is worth the battle!

Please share below how you have overcome some gremlins in your direct sales business! 

Word count: 444

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