Growth For Direct Sales Friends!

success in direct salesEvery article I write starts with a blank slate. I stare at the empty page and live in the possibility of its filling with wisdom and insight pertinent to my target audience; in this case you, my dear direct sales friends. The beauty of my relationship to the world of direct sales is the incredible synergy that exists between us. We’re each looking for growth; not just financial, but spiritual as well.

Some of us haven’t yet discovered that. Some think they’ve entered this industry to make a few extra bucks. But sooner or later, we all discover that it’s a much more profound decision we made. Somehow, the universe has aligned around us in such a way that we’re being put into proximity with like minded people, all on a journey toward enlightenment.

Overcome Fears & Experience Growth In Direct Sales

When you face your fears and overcome them, it’s not just so you can finally close that sale. It’s in order to broaden and deepen yourself as a person. When you challenge yourself to stand in front of a large group for the first time and share your inspiring story, your life gets bigger. You feel more connected, more appreciated, and more expansive.  And you, too, started with a blank slate. You  had no agenda, or maybe the wrong one. But you entered an unknown world and discovered magic. You became a better you. Or if this is new to you, being in direct sales WILL make you a better you.

One of the benefits of this realization is the awareness that the obstacles you hit, such as fear, complacency, self doubt and discouragement aren’t bad things to avoid but great things to celebrate. Why? Because the fact that you chose this journey, whether you knew it or not, was precisely for the purpose of hitting those obstacles. Your soul demanded your growth, and you were guided to a choice which would satisfy that demand.

Continue to go to the uncomfortable places. Keep challenging yourself. It won’t necessarily be any easier having the awareness that you’re where you meant to be, but it will be infinitely more satisfying to shift your perspective so you can witness the challenges and their effect on you with the knowledge that you’re on a profound and important path.

Strive to be a blank slate and see what gets written on it. Do what you know you’re supposed to do, and embrace the discomfort of doing it. Soon you, like me, will have a page filled with wisdom, insight, and prosperity and your direct sales business will grow!

Direct Sales Success

Your direct sales success depends upon your ability to grow and overcome fears. Learn more about reprogramming your mind with success strategies in the book, UnHypnosis: How to Wake Up, Start Over, and Create the Life You’re Meant to Live.

Word count: 485

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