Actually, I never treat my magic clients this way, but there is a tendency for some people to feel like they got “suckered” when they’re fooled by a magic trick. Well, if you feel like a sucker when I fool you, how should you feel when YOU fool you? That’s the common state of affairs in which we live. We’re constantly fooling ourselves; far worse than could any mere magician. We limit our success by fooling ourselves into believing in our own illusory limitations. We limit our happiness by fooling ourselves into believing that we need certain conditions before we’ll accept that happiness. And the biggest trick of all is that we fool ourselves into believing that we are our minds.

Those thoughts swirling around in your head aren’t you. They’re just your thoughts. Technically, they’re not even “your” thoughts. They’re your mind’s thoughts. When you start learning to quiet your mind, you’ll be able to see them for what they are. And then, you’ll experience freedom. You’ll be able to choose your path and your state of consciousness more wisely because you won’t be burdened by the weight of your mind.

Actually, you’ll still have the thoughts; you just won’t buy into them.

If this sounds weird or esoteric, I promise you that it isn’t. It’s what becomes VERY obvious as you begin the UnHypnosis process; the process of detaching yourself from the endless stream of chatter in your head and reidentifying yourself as the silent witness to it all.

Start practicing mindfulness as if your life depended on it; because in essence, it does. You can practice and become free, or you can remain entrapped by the illusions of your mind. If you don’t WAKE UP, you’ll continue to experience stress, overwhelm, conflict, depression, anxiety, and an unfulfilled life. If you do, joy, peace, and success will be yours!

So, don’t be a sucker. Don’t let your mind fool you. Wake up and embrace the beauty that your life can be NOW.

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