Tag Archives: mindfulness

Embracing Nothing

Embracing Nothing

Some people just can’t take a hint. Most people don’t know a gift when they see it. And pretty much nobody likes nothing. Watch what happens when you take away someone’s hobby… or their favorite TV show… or their job. Sure, they’ll tell you that it’s a matter of practicality that they have to keep working, or watching, or collecting, or whatever. But we all know deep down that the tantrum isn’t about the thing …
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Fighting the right enemy

Fighting the right enemy

I hate when I’m sick, don’t you? How about when you have back pain? Or when someone you thought was a friend betrays you? Or when you’re just plain fed up with what’s going on in the world? Hate it! Interestingly, I’ve noticed that whenever I hate something, I get into this “me against that thing” mentality. I want to fight it. It’s the enemy. Whether it’s back pain or slowdowns in business or the …
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A Magical Workplace

A Magical Workplace

Last week, I posted a question to my Facebook followers. Which applications of mindfulness principles would you like me to address in future posts? Kay Mitchell (hi Kay) was kind enough to weigh in. She wanted to hear about how these principles apply at work.  So here goes… Have you ever walked into a store or an office, and known INSTANTLY that you wanted to stay there, hang around, do business with them, and refer others? …
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My friend, Barry, a meditation teacher, is fond of saying that the path to consciousness is like warfare. It’s a battle waged within, against our own habits and attitudes. As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” When we choose to do the work of change, which requires going within and finding silence beyond the incessant chatter of our mind, that mind inevitably rebels. Some of us are fortunate that it’s …
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Are you a “quiet winner?”

Are you a “quiet winner?”

What’s a quiet winner? It’s someone who has discovered the secret that he who embraces silence to the greatest extent is in the best position to rise to victory in any situation. This applies to any worthy pursuit requiring expertise… Are you an athlete? Then you need to train your mind to silence, or victory will be fleeting. Are you a sales professional? Then you too must abide in silence or your mental chatter will defeat your efforts to …
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