I seldom post mid-week, but it’s a snowy day and all my plans have been postponed. Plus it suddenly occurred to me that this is the perfect place to work out the language I use to express what I do. You can probably relate to this. Sometimes, I’ll get a great idea that I’m sure will be useful in a future context; a speech, a book, a training, etc. But, I don’t know where to put it. I can write it on a piece of scrap paper or create a Word document about it…but neither guarantees it’ll be accessible when I need it. It may exist, but will I be able to tie it to the task at hand? I realized that if I put it in a blog, it’ll be a great place to come back to when it’s time to create that work of art. So, what you’re about to read is the seed for something you’ll see at a later time.

The UnHypnosis Method is a unique system for removing roadblocks to success; both personally and at an organizational level. Here’s how it works:

Everybody suffers, whether they admit it or not. We long for what we don’t have. We churn about what we have that we don’t want. We bruise our heads hitting them against the same walls again and again. We fight the same fights, cry the same tears, and often end up in frustration and resignation. Our knowledge and skill don’t eliminate the suffering; which we begin to realize after we’ve added as much to that pile as we can, to no effect.

So, before I go on, what’s got YOU suffering? Where are YOU blocked? What’s keeping YOU up at night? You see, I can’t help people or groups who aren’t in need…or those who won’t admit that they are. There’s nothing worse for me than walking into a room full of “super-cool” people; people who want everyone to think that they’ve got the world by the tail. Why bother?  Those groups are obvious by their crossed arms, smug expressions, back-leaning postures, and superior “I-don’t-need-you” affects.

Here’s who I want to work with. Companies and organizations who can admit readily that something’s wrong. Open-minded people who seek solutions. A team of individuals who get that the answers don’t lie where they’ve been looking, and aren’t too proud to look elsewhere. For those groups, I’m fully committed to leading them from resignation to possibility. I’m committed to helping leaders of those groups to engage their team and achieve full buy-in. I’m committed to bringing about communication, collaboration, and community.

Again, the answers aren’t where you think they are. If you’re looking for solutions in performance modifications, new rules, or motivational posters, you’re wasting your time. You have to start with your own deeper psyche. You can try it every other way…but eventually you’ll be back asking me to do it my way. You can’t build a solid building without a solid foundation.

Back to the UnHypnosis Method. Despite all outward efforts, you’re doomed to succeed or fail only to the extent that your subconscious mind allows. Buried within your psyche are “set-points” for success, happiness, contentment, love, etc. You don’t have access to them. You may exert enormous effort, but it’s only your conscious mind at work; a small fragment of what’s available to you. The subconscious mind, home to those “set-points”, remains unaffected and immovable.

Until you can reach in and modify the subconscious barriers, all you’ll get for your effort is exhaustion, depression, and lots of sweat. Maybe you’ll feel righteous and proud of how hard a worker you are, but that’s small compensation for the work you’ve put in.

The answer to your success and happiness lies largely in the domain of the unexpressed and the unexamined. UnHypnosis helps you to examine and express….and therefore transform yourself and your business.

We do it in a group coaching setting in which you come to realize the barriers within. Lots of surprises. Lots of “ahas.” Lots of tears and laughter. And on the other side…freedom. Possibility. Opportunity. Prosperity. Fun.

So, you can keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll keep getting what you’re getting…or you can learn how to communicate with your subconscious mind and break through to a whole new level of growth. Your choice. But first…ADMIT that you’re suffering!

I highly encourage you to visit www.stevetaubman.com and get your copy of UnHypnosis (the “Stuff” page is where you can order it). More importantly, look at your organization and ask yourself if it could benefit from a thorough housecleaning. Have us in to lead you through the UnHypnosis Method and you’ll see yourselves moving from resignation to possibility.

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