Taking a cue from Ivan Misner, keynote speaker and founder of BNI; the international business networking organization; I’ve decided to track the chain of networking that led me to where I am today; here at the DSWA Convention as a featured keynote speaker.

About a year ago, I was casually introduced to Nicki Keohohou, president and co-founder of DSWA. I became an affiliate member, and when she was seeking speakers for this event, my name came up.

That introduction to Nicki came from Svetlana Kim, the bestselling author of White Pearl and I, who I’d befriended earlier that day. Lana (for short) had spent time with me as I gave some hypnocoaching to her and Christy Dreiling, another new friend from the same conference. Christy is another remarkable woman; entrepreneur, film maker, Arbonne executive…

The setting for all these fortuitous meetings was Bob Burg and Thom Scott’s Extreme Business Makeover Seminar in Orlando. My presence there was accidental. I’d seen Bob at a conference hosted by my longtime friend, Michael Angier, author and creator of Successnet.org. When I attended that seminar, Bob was a speaker and was selling some of his informational products. I purchased some (Great stuff, by the way. Get it if you can!).  A few weeks later, I got a call asking if I would be attending the XBM seminar. I hadn’t realized that my purchase entitled me to the tuition.

So, from Michael to Bob to Svetlana and Christina to Nicki to here!

Who knows what’s next. What conferences I’ll speak at as a result of this chain of connections, what friends I’ll make, what doors I’ll open, what lives I’ll change or what lives will change mine. And that’s not even counting some of the other incredible connections that also got made along the way that didn’t lead me to this particular event.

Every connection is a pebble in a pond. You can’t predict where the ripples will go. Just keep dropping those pebbles, and keep being grateful for the way your life unfolds!

Here’s how you can connect:

With me: www.SteveTaubman.com

DSWA: www.DSWA.org

Bob Burg: www.Burg.com

Ivan Misner:  www.IvanMisner.com

Nicki Keohohou:  www.facebook.com/nicki.keohohou

Svetlana Kim:  www.svetlanakim.com

Christy Dreiling:  LinkedIn.com-Christy Dreiling

Thom Scott:  linkedin.com/in/coachthom

Michael Angier:  www.successnet.org

Word count: 373

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